Chinese Memorial and Civic Plaza – “Sojourn”


The Memorial proposed by Process Studio is an urban landscape that mediates between the desire for spaces of reflection and contemplation and the need to contribute to the vitality of daily city life. Composed of heavy timbers, this structure-landscape subtly recalls the traditional construction methods of Chinese cultures while distinguishing the memorial from its immediate context. Modern interpretations of screens are used within the structure to create a series of nested spaces that allow for different scales of activity, engagement, and reflection.

As a memorial, a series of niches are inserted to allow for Taoist traditions of burning incense and prayer. Here, visitors learn about those who lost their lives in a space that is intimate and personal.

As a community landmark, larger spaces for learning are interspersed. Framed portals are oriented towards sites of importance, identifying a view that superimposes historical imagery over a visitor’s view of the current city. Adjacent panels narrate the events that engulfed the neighborhood and provide the viewer context. This centers the structure as a place of orientation to the locations of events it commemorates and makes it a de facto observatory to the neighborhood’s current comings and goings.

As a cultural center, a gathering space facilitates the return of Ta Chiu festival activities, revitalizing a tradition that engages community members and reasserts the history of this place into contemporary culture. This is critical to the success of the memorial—creating space for events that reinvigorate the history of this place and make the past a present experience for new generations. It is through this engagement that the goals of education, contextualization, and reflection are fully realized.

As a civic amenity, the structure is also designed to encourage daily, casual use. Designed as an extension of the public sphere, connections are made to major circulation points to welcome visitors. An open structure, it is intended to foster feelings of inclusiveness that entice all to experience.

The uses of memorial and recreation are not exclusionary. When designed correctly, they combine to create experiences that are particularly memorable and unique. Our proposal provides space to SOJOURN—where one can commemorate, reflect, learn, and engage with the nearly lost history of the place that surrounds them. In doing this, the Memorial creates the space for narratives and stories to reclaim their rightful place in the public consciousness.

Category Competition


  • Amphitheatre 2_WEB
  • overview 1_COMPOSITE_WEB
  • View GWS_WEB
  • Incense Alcove_WEB

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